12月26日,伦敦新锐设计师品牌YohKaen联合上海时尚潮流买手店Harbook 举办了 “新生态进化”快闪店开幕活动。店铺主要展示品牌2020年10月在上海时装周发布走秀的2021 SS 新系列。
当全生态环境在Yohkaen 的后自然美学力量操控之下,整个生态系统下的植物与动物在生物与环境的相互作用下产生能流。唯美的植物与怪诞的动物被进行分化和重组。在人类科技的干预之下,整个生态系统,从简单到复杂,从低级组织结构到高生物能量的变异变得尤为异常,作为高级智慧体的人类也逃不过这场涉及种族结构的自然灾难。
When ecotope under the control of YohKaen’s postnatural power, the whole ecosystem’s plants and animals generated the energy flux. Since the interaction between living beings and environment.
the aesthetic plants and eery animals are being disintegrated and recombined. Due to the intervention of human’s technology, the whole ecosystem’s metamorphosis has been abnormal from simplicity to complexity, elementary organization structure to high biological energy.
As the intelligent specie , the human can not escape from this natural hazard which involves ethnic make-up.